
Core Wounds and Addictions

On today’s episode of From Beer to the Bible, Sarah is Joined by Pastor Doug Hawk, of Gateway Church. We discuss couples dealing with infidelity, affairs, and recovery. Today’s scripture is Isaiah 41:10. https://gatewaypeople.com/

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Protecting Yourself

@Apartmentqueeninvestments returns to the show to give advice on how to protect yourself from bad partners, shady business dealings, and keep your money safe by running background checks, doing your due diligence on the front end, and delicately handling how to share personal information with potential business partners.

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Episode 28: Ombudsman

Episode 28 of Manchester Living Podcast is here! Today we discuss ombudsmen. What is an ombudsman, and what do they do? How do they advocate for loved ones in a facility? What types of issues does an ombudsman investigate? Join us to learn these answers and more! Our guests today are: Suzanna Sulfstede, LMSW Director,…

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Episode #3 The OT

The day after moving into the Dallas Rehabilitation Center, in Dallas, Texas, Ray gets introduced to the team of medical field experts who will help him adjust to his new life as a quadriplegic. In this episode of Rollin’ with Ray, you will meet Sheri Jones, the occupational therapist who helped Ray learn how to…

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The Power Of Story with Kaylee Danielson

Hey y’all! Join me in this latest episode of the Matt Hilton Show with my guest and longtime friend, Kaylee Danielson. Kaylee is so passionate about her work…adoption is something that is near and dear to her heart. Not only does she give us a true insight into the world of local adoption and international…

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How To Raise Money To Get Through Tough Times With Brandon Brittingham

With the current market we’re dealing with, raising money is a challenge for everyone, especially the investors. Many business owners make a mistake as they walk on a journey of a sale’s mind instead of walking through a consumer’s mind. In this episode, Brandon Brittingham shares how you can raise money with a business owner…

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Episode 28: Ombudsman

Episode 28 of Manchester Living Podcast is here! Today we discuss ombudsmen. What is an ombudsman, and what do they do? How do they advocate for loved ones in a facility? What types of issues does an ombudsman investigate? Join us to learn these answers and more! Our guests today are: Suzanna Sulfstede, LMSW Director,…

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The Vulnerabilities of the Grid | Civil Discourse Episode #47 with David Tice

The United States’ power grid is extremely vulnerable, not only to physical orchestrated attacks, but electromagnetic pulses (EMP), geomagnetic disturbances (GMB) or cyber attacks. ‘Grid Down, Power Up’ is a documentary intended to start a movement. " This documentary helps us understand the threat, why it has become a threat, and demonstrates how we can…

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The Role of Government and Community Development | Ft. JJ Koch | Civil Discourse Todd Furniss

Todd Furniss speaks with Dallas County Commissioner, JJ Koch about the ongoing and forthcoming developments within Dallas County. https://www.jjkoch.com/ https://www.dallascounty.org/government/comcrt/district2/ https://www.dallascounty.org/government/comcrt/district2/bio.php Todd Furniss is the author of the new book The 60% Solution: Rethinking Healthcare #Book https://bit.ly/36h3E4L #CivilDiscourse | #Fb bit.ly/3JwkaMv #CivilDiscourse | #Rumble bit.ly/3wnUsWU #CivilDiscourse | #YT bit.ly/3wmPdqz #Furniss | #LinkedIn bit.ly/3tBFjQd #Furniss |…

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Episode 4: Red Wave Incoming

Raven Harrison, host of Raven’s Radar, and Pedro Gonzalez of Chronicles Magazine forecast the midterms, what the GOP should do with power, and unfortunately, what they are likely to do.

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