Michael Black nearly lost his life in a wreck 8 years ago. Black went through years of therapy and rehab re-learning how to live again, but during that process, he lost a lot of sleep. Dr. Alfred Johnson with Johnson Medical Associates offered hyperbaric treatment and changed Black’s life. Digital Correspondent Sarah Macias followed up, giving us a look of what his life is like today.
Faith patience and love is the base of Michael Black’s journey.
"I don’t really remember anything. I guess my memory was erased."
Black nearly lost his life eight years ago after getting in a car wreck at his home town in Florida. His vehicle rolled several times, putting him in a coma for nearly two weeks, a nightmare his mother Bernadette Coleman did not want to accept.
"Heartbreaking. No mother should have to go through walking into a room and seeing their son covered in blood, and his face was swollen, and he was scratched, he had scars down his face."
Black wasn’t supposed to live, but fate had other plans."
In the third day that he was in the hospital, they told us that maybe we should consider just letting them go, so that was scary, but we decided not to. It was too soon."
Black woke up from his coma days later. He spent 45 days out of Florida hospital until the family decided to fly him to Dallas, where he started rehab and therapy. Progress by day, but no sleep at night. That’s when Dr. Alfred Johnson stepped in with a possible solution.
"So he did an initial 40 hours of Hyperbaric, achieved some progress."
Black did more than a hundred hours of Hyperbaric treatments.
"Hyperbaric does heal injured tissues, including the brain, tissues that have been injured but not dead, so if it was destroyed and gone from his head injury, we can’t replace the lost brain tissue, but that tissue that has been contused, damaged, bruised, injured, then that tissue has the potential of recovering with the use of Hyperbaric."
Black started getting good sleep that led to better days eventually meeting Kara.
"We got married in 2017. 7/7/17. I thought that’d be easy for him to remember. That’s what he always says that it’s the worst and the best thing that’s ever happened to him. It changed his life for the better. And of course, we got to meet because I don’t think he was coming to Texas, and I wasn’t going to move to Florida so."
Now years later, Black continues his road to recovery, while managing his website that helps people with brain injuries to find out more information visit. Try immunity.com and to find out more about Hyperbaric treatments, visit johnsonmedicalassociates.com.
For Real News, I’m Sarah Macias.