Today we will be sharing many of the operational things being done behind the scenes to make sure we are able to serve our school community with lunches and instruction. We also will share two videos. The first one is about the need to establish routines and family norms/expectations together and this video shows you how to do this.
Then, we will chat with Buddy Davis, our director of facilities who will share about the new meal pick up schedule that starts next week. Staci Weaver, senior director of school operations is next, with information about the laptop deployment and what to do when the laptop at home has an issue. She will also share how we are working to keep both you and our employees safer through the distribution of meals and instructional packets and the dropoff of those packets each week.
Mr. Chaparro, the MW HS director will share how he and his team were able to get 100% of the scholars their laptops! Good work, Mr. Chaparro and team!
Dr. Mann, the SPED director will talk about how her department is continuing to meet the needs of SPED scholars even in the online instruction world. Finally, Ida Dominguez, the GT/EL coordinator will tell how we are meeting the needs of our English Language Learners as well as the gifted and talented scholars as well.
As a special treat, we have included at the end a short video on COVID scams and how to avoid them.
Wow! So much information in a short podcast! Let us know either how we did or other info we could bring you in future podcasts. Stay safe everyone and remember – wash your hands and practice physical distancing!