North Texas Giving Day is tomorrow, September 22nd, and we’re spotlighting a wonderful organization that could use your help!
On this episode of Community Cocktails with Kimberly, I sit down with Director of Development, Beth Robinson, and Development Associate, Mary Elaine Benton from @Hope’s Door New Beginning Center. HDNBC is a domestic violence agency that provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, legal advocacy, and education for domestic violence victims at no cost. Beth and Mary Elaine explain how you can get involved with the organization, the different ways they help those in our community, and upcoming events.
To learn more, visit the links down below:
North Texas Giving Day: https://northtexasgivingday.org/organization/hdnbc
Donation Link: https://hdnbc.org/get-involved/donate/
Needs Link: https://hdnbc.org/donate-items/
Young Professionals Link: https://hdnbc.org/young-professionals/
Tapestry of Hope: https://hdnbc.org/get-involved/tapestry-of-hope/
Kimberly’s Contact Information:
Website: https://kimberlywoodard.ebby.com/
Office: 972-608-0300
Primary: 214-632-2092
#kimberlywoodard #hopesdoornewbeginningcenter #hdnbc