"Working for Huffines is just a true joy." said Robert Goodwin, General Manager and Huffines Auto- Dealership in Corinth.
"Just the honesty and integrity that we bring forth everyday is very important to me and it’s just a great atmosphere." said Goodwin.
It’s an understatement to say Goodwin loves cars.
"When I was 3 to 4 years old, we lived in Wichita Falls, Texas and my mom and dad had some very close friends who operated a Chrysler dealership there, it was the highlight of my day when we got the opportunity to go to the dealership." said Goodwin.
It’s a passion.
"I loved, of course, the cars, I loved the smell, I loved everything about it." said Goodwin.
Goodwin says as soon as he could work, he took the wheel in the automobile industry and hasn’t let go.
He wouldn’t change that route, because outside of the passion, this road led to love.
"She had just graduated from college and was looking for her first car." said Goodwin.
Goodwin met his future wife.
"I sold her a car and it really was not until well after that actually, my manager at that time said Robert, you should really ask that girl out, and we dated for a couple of years and got married and I always joke that I wound up paying for the car." said Goodwin.
Years later, Goodwin convinced J.L. Huffines among others to give him a chance in a management position.
"He’s a legend, you know, in this area and just to hear all of the stories, we still had lots of customers up here that would come in and say I remember buying a car from J.L. 25 years ago and told us all kinds of funny stories." said Goodwin.
Stories that extend for decades, many now involving the third generation owner, Ray Huffines.
"Ray has just taken that, and you know, the reputation that they have built over the years of course is very important and Ray has just done a great job at carrying that on and of instilling the culture of customer service in all of our team members." said Goodwin.
And just like the Huffines, one generation taking over the dealerships after another for 95 years, Goodwin says his daughter shares the same passion for cars.
Maybe one day, she could sell you a car, too.