Karen Stephenson PH.D. — hailed in Business 2.0 as “The Organization Woman”—is a corporate anthropologist and lauded as a pioneer and “leader in the growing field of social-network business consultants.” She was one of only three females recognized from a distinguished short list of 55 in Random House’s Guide to the Management Gurus. She was awarded the first Houghton Hepburn Fellow at Bryn Mawr College for her groundbreaking contributions to civic engagement. Her consulting firm Netform was recognized as one of the top 100 leading innovation companies by CIO. Her prominence catapulted when she was featured in a New Yorkerarticle by Malcolm Gladwell, regarding the social dynamics of office spaces. Even before these accolades, Stephenson had earned praises for innovatively solving a variety of complex problems which have been featured in The Economist, Forbes, The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company and Wired. Drawing upon her prolific experience and 400 member database, Dr. Stephenson consistently delivers that “aha’ moment to her clients and audiences.
A global nomad, she has been sighted at the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University where she currently lectures. This was preceded by 5 years at the Harvard School of Design and 10 years at the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management.
She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology at Harvard University, an M.A. in Anthropology at the University of Utah, and B.A. in Art & Chemistry at Austin College, TX.