In the last few weeks we have talked with parents and teachers about what it has been like to shelter in at home. Today, we will be chatting with Legacy scholars who will share what it has been like for them!
We will ask the questions like:
-which one of you can tell me what you thought 6 weeks ago during spring break when you for first heard we might close
-how did you react when you learned you would have home-based school?
-how is home-based school going?
-has your family established a routine yet at home that makes the day more normal?
-what do you like about home-based school? What do you not like or wish was different?
-how has your relationship with your teacher changed during this COVID time?
-what are you doing now during this time that you hope continues next year?
-how are you staying positive during this time?
-are you making sure you are getting enough downtime from the computer and exercising?
We may not be able to get to all the questions but we will try!