Melinda Eitzen Podcast with Lindsey Obenhaus(lobenhaus@gbafamilylaw.com )
About the Guest:
Lindsey Obenhaus is a family law attorney that works at Goranson Bain Ausley. She serves on
the State Bar of Texas Technology Committee, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Technology Committee, and chairs the Goranson Bain Ausley Technology Committee.
Episode Summary:
In this episode of The Melinda Eitzen Show our guest Lindsey helps us understand the new
world of A.I. Lindsey explains how Artificial Intelligence can help with family law practice.
Lindsey also discusses the dangers and necessary precautions when using A.I.
Key Takeaways:
There have been concerns that A.I. being used in law creates an issue with client-lawyer
confidentiality. This can be eased by excluding the name of the client and getting
approval from the client before using it.
A.I. can draft documents for lawyers making their life significantly easier.
A.I. is not perfect and still needs the eyes of the lawyer to fix any issues that may arise.
One of the issues of A.I. is that it can be used to edit evidence for cases and create photos
that are not real.
A.I. can generate fake audio that can create the risk of false information in legal cases.
Notable Quotes:
“A.I. is the ability of a computer to communicate in a way that is human like… and act in
a way that a human would.” -Lindsey Obenhaus
“It’s important to understand that A.I. is not a replacement for lawyers.” -Lindsey
“A.I. can review words and create words.”-Lindsey Obenhaus
“For now (to avoid trouble) do not use client names anywhere in A.I.” Lindsey Obenhaus
“A.I. does not listen to you or hear your story…it does not replace the need for
mediation.” -Lindsey Obenhaus