Today we have asked Mr. Clarence Glover aka Professor Freedom to come in help us further frame out the 400th observance of the first enslaved Africans in America which began in Jamestown. (1619 – 2019)
Mr. Glover is a descendant of enslaved Africans with a direct connection to slavery. He will share with us the concept of the dual victims of slavery, the enslaved Africans and the Europeans who came with their flawed entitlement thinking of the right to "own" another human being. He will also talk about his commitment to a multicultural America through some of the opportunities he had as a young man, working in Washing D.C. on Civil Rights issues in the 70’s later working with Mrs. Corretta Scott King, Mrs. Rosa Parks, Dr. Bernard Lafayette and other civil rights activists.
In the 80s and early 90s he was part of the push for diversity at SMU. He not only taught courses there, he helped the university with developing a cultural philosophy, practice, and policy which was a first for a major university. Mr. Glover was on the committee while at SMU to help the city of Dallas and Dallas ISD change the term of Black to African American in the late 80’s. He then worked on the fallacy of the term RACE. He pushes the concept that we are in fact, all one race, and has the research to prove it. While at SMU, he found the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speech from March 17, 1966 given at SMU in McFarlin Auditorium (now online) and related news articles. He was also the Interviewer and Consultant of The PBS Documentary "In Remembrance of Martin, The First Federal Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Federal Holiday in Atlanta, Georgia 1986
While at Harvard in 1985, he studied with Dr. Lawrence Kohlberg in the Stages of Moral Education and while at Dallas ISD as a multicultural administrator, he trained on the concept of One Race; Many Cultures.
He has been at Legacy now for 6 years, building multicultural institutional capacity to administrators, educators, parents, and scholars. He has helped Legacy develop its own cultural philosophy, policy, and practices.
In his spare time 🙂 he is working on helping us understand the term predictable cultural conflict (PCC) and social dynamics between people from different cultures.
This will be a fact filled show with pictures and artifacts from the 70s to now to help enrich the dialogue even more.
Link to Dr. King’s SMU speech: