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Serving Businesses Nationally from the Greater Denver, Colorado area, Rob West has a demonstrated history of working in the business and financial arena since 1973. Rob says he is not "in the business, rather the business is in him".
Rob’s expertise in the insurance business led him into a successful practice as a Certified Financial Planner, Registered Investment Advisor, Registered Representative & Vice President for two National Wall Street financial firms, and an Estate/Probate and Trust Paralegal.
In 1990, Rob moved from the Wall Street investment scene by opening Estate Planning Strategies Agency, Inc. and EPS Investment Advisors. He re-directed his extensive financial background into estate planning para-legal and financial plan writing, focusing on the estate planning and asset protection needs of his clients.
For more information:
Twitter link: @coloradoRobWest
Facebook link: The VIP Insider@thevipinsider
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/thevipinsider