**Content warning: While Second Shot is at its heart a show designed for the whole family, this episode involves open discussion of violence and childhood trauma. It may not be suitable for younger viewers.**
“I didn’t know I was in a cult…”
From the age of 13, Anna LeBaron was out on her own, running away from her family. Actually, running away might not be the right way to describe it – escaping is more appropriate. She grew up inside the Church of the First Born of the Lamb of God, a violent polygamist cult led by her father, Ervil LeBaron. She and her more than 50 siblings were constantly moved around the country from Texas to Colorado and even into Mexico, as the family tried to slip away from law enforcement. Dozens of murders were carried out around Anna, including against her own family members.
Few have experienced the types of things that Anna has, but her story of trauma and recovery can serve as a lesson to all of us that there’s always time to re-write your story. You can learn more at annalebaron.com, follow her on social media @annaklebaron, and read about her life inside and outside the cult in her book “The Polygamist’s Daughter.”
Second Shot Sit-Downs is an in-depth look at the people who inspire us, from your friends at Second Shot! This interview series is meant to highlight the types of people we talk about on the show: the people who really embody that idea of taking a Second Shot at business, at relationships, at life.