Being the executive in charge of Customer Loyalty at global brands like Dell, Citi, and 7-11 was both exciting and taxing for Michelle Brigman. She dealt with never ending deadlines, overwhelming pressure, endless meetings and long hours – all of which meant that she got to spend less and less time with family. Yet Michelle loved it, she found it exhilarating – until those long hours took its toll, as ‘burnout’ reared its ugly head.
She knew that something had to change – for her own and her family’s well-being.
That burnout led to a year of reflection. In this episode, you’ll hear Michelle calmly and
articulately describe how she worked through her burnout to founding a women’s group called
Brave Balanced Women. She shares how she used the process of Intentional Visualization and
Vision Boarding, to graphically design a future that would bring her deep fulfillment.
Tune in to hear the rest of the story – Monday, 12:30PM Central.
Top Take Aways:
– Get up and admit it – when it’s your mistake
– It’s brave to be vulnerable and ask for help
– Vision boards are power tools in helping manifest the life you want
– Self-care is a gift you are worthy of
– Surround yourself with people who help you fly higher
For more information about Michelle and her upcoming workshop, please visit:
Website: https://www.bravebalancewomen.com
Vision Board Workshop: https://michellebrigman.isonline.page/page/Intentionalvisualization
Listen and Watch Doing it Right the Stories that Make Us – https://bit.ly/2E483Hx
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