Steven Greene and Cory Rodriguez | CEO Money Episode 80

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NFN8 Media is a financial technology company. We house our proprietary computer systems in onshore data centers that harness the power of the blockchain to produce revenue. Our company developed software powers our computers and a trading platform that generates revenue and profits in all market conditions. We have been featured in hundreds of financial publications, on radio, and on programs broadcast on Fox Business News.

We grow by offering individuals the chance to own the exact same computers as we do housed in the same data centers. NFN8 procures, designs, assembles, installs, tests, and operates the equipment. The equipment is updated regularly. It is leased simultaneously with the purchase. It’s a 5-year lease at 27% annualized. At the end of the lease, the equipment is bought back by NFN8 for the purchase price. It’s a “done for you” complete package.

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