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This week we will be delving into nutrition and kids, just in time for summer, when food becomes a different issue due to school being out. We will discuss summer feeding sites around town for those who need to take advantage of this, the federal government’s new alternative to the food pyramid, and what is and IS NOT on it anymore, and what some of the calories/sugar/fat are in foods at ballparks, amusement parks, and other summer venues.
We will also explore the topic of self-snacking. Should children be allowed to munch at will? Does that lead to independence or overeating?
Let us know in the comments if you learned anything new after listening to today’s information!
Summer Food info:
Please visit summerfood.org You can also call 211 or text foodtx to 877-877 All children and teens ages 18 and under can get a healthy meal for free, no identification is needed.
The link will show you all the areas where you can go.
My Plate Link: