At the tender age of 13, @justinroethlingshoefer plunged into the world of health and wellness, striving to be his best self.
At this age, in the middle of a hard hockey season, his father gave him a piece of advice that would change his whole life. "Talent will get you noticed, but consistency will get you paid."
This sparked a realization in Justin. His outcomes were merely reflections of his habits and behaviors, and relying solely on talent wouldn’t get him far.
From then on, he took ownership of his sleep, diet, training, and recovery, preparing himself for the goals he was striving towards.
To watch the full episode, head over to Amberly Lago’s YouTube channel, @AmberlyLagoMotivation.
#Athletetraining #Healthhabits #Consistency #Personaldevelopment #Goalsetting #Selfownership