Join me at 10 a.m. Central tomorrow for “The Mike McGavel Jones Show” on Facebook Live when I’ll be interviewing 2008 LMA (Livestock Marketing Association) Champion Auctioneer Matt Lowery, Burwell, NE, John Campbell, La Junta, CO, Winter Livestock, Inc. (Cattle Auctions), 40 years as a Cow Calf Operator, Stocker Operator and Cattle Feeder and Auctioneer Corbitt Wall, Canyon, TX, 25 years as an Auctioneer, cattle buyer, Cattleman, former USDA employee, Commercial Cattle Manager and Livestock Market Analyst with DV Auctions for a candid discussion about the current state of the beef cattle industry, the role the USDA is playing, the 30/14 minimum negotiated cash trade movement and how it could affect the industry, foreign influences, cattle barns, Corona Virus affect and who is controlling the Beef you eat. #Beef #USDA #StockersPackers #NAAPro #AuctionsWork #DVAuctions #WinterLivestock #McGavel #Livestock